Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A-train Experience Follow-Up

Wow! I got so many comments about my last post! I hope you all responded because you enjoyed reading and not because you disagreed with anything I said. Hold on. If so many of you have ridden the A-train experience, why haven't I seen any of you on the subway? I guess I'll have to be late more often.

Anyway, since so many of you commented, I decided to do a little bit of a follow-up. I'm going to totally botch this story, but no one will know the difference. Az the story goes as follows. roughly six years ago, I went down to Florida with my mother, and we were joining my grandmother who had already been there for a few days. We flew down to Ft. Lauderdale / Hollywood International Airport on Spirit Airlines (They've got spirit, yes they do. They've got spirit, how about you?), which isn't exactly the most luxurious airline of all time, but they got the job done. Az we landed safely on the tarmac, and while we're pulling into the gate, the captain adresses us over the loud-speaker and says something a-like-a-this-a:

We hope you enjoyed your flight with Spirit Airlines today. But if you didn't
I just...I just don't really care. In fact, I care so little about what you think of
me, that I'll do whatever I want. I will now sing to you.

And the captain did just that. We all found it highly entertaining. Now THAT's the Spirit Airlines experience!