Friday, May 04, 2007

How It's Done

Now, tonight I watched Grey's Anatomy. How I got into the show in the first place is not the issue we're discussing right now, az just let it lie. Anyway, at one point during the second half of tonight's unimpressive two hour event, Dr. Addison Montgomery (Shepherd) is crying in the stairwell because she has recently learned that she is no longer fertile enough to have a baby. In an effort to console her, the dude from Wings says something very close to "I'm going to kiss you now; I'm going to use tongue." And then he goes ahead and does just that. At that point I thought to myself (and out loud), "is that how it works? That's all you have to do?" Clearly the specifics would be different, but what if I went up to a religious girl and said, "I'm taking you out for dinner; I'm going to buy you a steak." Would that work? It's not really a request; it's more of a statement of intent. Seriously, the next time I ask out a girl (riiiiiiiiiight....), I'm gonna do just that. Oh, and I'm definitely gonna use that new line I learned from Pretty Woman: "In case I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight." I'm a shoe-in for at least a second date, or at least a second slap in the face.

Az that was a pretty sorry excuse for my first post in two weeks, but I've been busy! I've been interviewing a lot, and I figured out how to spend my time more effectively. a) I'm trying to set up a chavrusa with my roommate. I decided to learn Nazir because it has the only page in the entire Vilna Talmud set that has zero Gemara text; it only has Tosafot. Seriously, check it out, Daf 33b. b) I'm consolidating my reading list. I made a list of all the authors and books I'm going to read for the next 30 years. Seriously, there's gonna be like 400 books on it. Who knew there was so much fantasy out there? And c) I decided that being able to type 100 wpm just isn't enough for me. I ordered stickers on ebay, and I'm going to turn my second keyboard into a Dvorak keyboard. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, check the listing on Wikipedia: Az that's the plan for now. Preeow.