Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I read a lot of fantasy books, and I'm quite upset that I haven't updated my vocabulary to include words that should only appear in fantasy books, such as "cross." And I don't mean like "cross the street," but more like, "If you keep flicking my ear I'm going to become cross." I'll keep posting up some more words I need to be using more often.
Oh, also in my last post I thanked the Brothers Chaps for use of their material. I neglected to mention that in the title of my previous post, "Credit, where credit's dew," the spelling of the word "do" appears as it did in Strong Bad e-mail #94 entitled "Video Games," in which Mr. Bad describes various games in which he'd be likely to appear. One of them, a MUD game (multi-user domain, for those of you who are cooler than I am) features a man who wanders around a dungeon typing in commands. One of the questions on the screen is "What wouldst thou dew?" Just so I don't have to keep doing it, let's just say thanks to the Brothers Chaps and to for all they have done for me and all they will continue to do, enriching our lives, providing us with laughter, and wasting countless hours that should be devoted to learning Torah. This Cold One's for you.