Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Couple of Things

Remember how when we were in high school, and we used to talk about girls all the time, often in inappropriate ways? That's just the way we did things, because we were teenage guys. Then we all went off to Israel and supposedly became frum and decided not to talk about girls for, at the VERY least, several minutes right when we got back. And now, we talk about girls all the time, again. It's essentially the same thing, minus the inappropriate comments (usually). Has anything really changed?

And now for something completely different. Apparently, our good buddies at have decided to add blogging onto their website. Now, I've mentioned my lack of coolty at least once on here, and in an effort to be even more self-effacing, here I go again. For most people, blogging is probably not a very cool thing. That's what made it perfect for me. However, now that you can blog on facebook, it must be EXTREMELY cool, because the proverbial "they" have decided that anything facebook does is automatically cool. I'm trying to determine whether or not I can continue blogging, especially if I will be forced, by the laws of coolty, to import my blog onto my facebook profile. I think over the next couple of days I'll look at other people's profiles and see how these faceblogs look and then reach a decision.

Finally, for something completely serious, I mentioned to a friend of mine that I had started a blog. I told him that I needed a place to jot down my random musings. He then asked me a very sharp question; he wanted to know why I needed to make my random musings available to the public. I told him I'd get back to him in a few days with a response and then post it up here. I decided that I don't need people to read my blog. However, if even one person reads this and gets some entertainment or maybe even (gulp) some inspiration, then it will all be worth it. At the very least, every time my ego gets the better of me, I can always look on here and come back down to Earth. With this in mind, and in the proper grammatical mindset, I go, boldly, where 49,661 people have gone before.