Monday, December 18, 2006

Random Thoughts of The Day

So after a grueling nine days, I finally finished Bill Simmons's book. My final thoughts are as follows: During the afterword, Bill mentions that it was a great feeling when he was standing in Barnes and Noble, and someone picked up his book to buy. I think I want to feel that at some point. To think that someday, someone might actually spend money to read something I wrote. Cherish these days my friends. One day I might start charging $9.95 per month for access to my musings.

So, I was doing the crossword puzzle today, and one of the clues was something like "friends with Tinky-Winky." Now I rarely cheat at the crossword by looking something up online, but I knew we were talking Teletubbies, and I really wanted to remember the other three (Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Po). If I ever meet a purple creature named Tinky-Winky, I'm demanding a hug. Oh, if anyone wants to offer professional help in exchange for tutoring in math, let me know. ASAP.

So yesterday was just an awful day. Before I continue with that train of thought, I'm noticing that I start paragraphs with the word "so." All the time. Not only that, but I'm also typing a few sentence fragments today. You're gonna have to let those fragments slide. The "so" thing is valid; it was just something I noticed. I think I'm going to replace the word "so" with the word "az," in homage to a great man, one of my heroes. Az yesterday was just an awful day. Aside from a catastrophic, collective brain-fart by 3/4 of my fantasy football team, there were also a bunch of little things, which drove me up the wall. Ever try to take public trans on a sunday? It's the worst feeling in the world to JUST miss the subway, because you know you're going to have to wait another 17-29 minutes for the next one. Twice. Reason number two: Garbledina (See SBe-mail #114, The Facts). Anyway, the day was just unpleasant. But it's amazing how a word here, or a joke there, or an IM mixed in that can make everything alright again. At the end of the day, it's just money, or it's just a girl, or it's just a smashed up car, or it's just an extra 17-29 minutes. Things will work out; they always do.

Az I signed up for word of the day a week or two ago, and the word today was "pre-walk." A pre-walker is someone who positions himself or herself on the subway platform so that he or she can get off the subway in the optimal place to exit the destination station (Ooh, that's like conjunction junction except not at all!). The listing claimed that this phenomenon is especially true of the New York subway system and its riders. I do this; I'm definitely a cool cool guy. This can also be evidenced by the fact that a friend quoted me on her faceblog (read: facebook note). Not only am I cool because a cool girl quoted me, but also the quote was very funny. "Just call me Captain Transition-Lenses." Yep, definitely a cool cool guy.

This weekend I visited my Alma Mater. Now, my friend claims that I'm still a household name there (I even got a shoutout during a speech), but I think that's totally false. Either way, I learned that I could still throw my weight around over there. I can still drink them all under the table, and I can say whatever I want to whomever I want. What are they going to do, expel me? What's gonna happen, I'll freak out the 17 year old first-year girls who didn't go to Israel? They'll get over it. It's a great feeling to know that you absolutely OWNED a place for a year or two.

Ok, az that's all for today. Until next time, happy Nigeran Republic Day.