Thursday, January 18, 2007


Tuesday's word of the day: blogorrhea. Definition: To write a [blog] entry just for the sake of posting an entry, not because you have done anything interesting today.

That's not to say that I don't have anything interesting to say, I just thought it was a fun word. Anyway, over that past two days I've had to drive uptown to Washington Heights from the upper east side twice. Both times driving on the highway would have been poorly planned routes, so instead I pulled the ole' Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard routine. The "R" in "routine" stands for RRRRRRONG! you raving racketeer of recondite routes! (See SB e-mail #54, Morning Routine) Apparently, depending on the time of day, the sequence of traffic lights changes! That's right! Even though it's a two-way street, the light sequence works in your favor if you are driving downtown in the morning. At other times of day the lights work like every other two-way street, either all green or all red. (Disclaimer: This next statement could be viewed as being racist. I do these things to attract more readers.) This is the kind of brilliance I expect in higher-class neighborhoods like York Avenue or Central Park West, but not for a relatively unknown street existing only between 110th and 155th streets. But I paid the price for my racism. This morning I headed back to the heights along ACPJB only to realize, to my immense chagrin, that I got caught in the wrong sequence. Whereas last night I only hit two lights from 125th to 155th, I hit a light every five blocks this morning. This is not a mistake I intend to repeat; it was a lesson well learned.