Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Anyone ever notice that the word "superb" is just the word "super" with a "b" at the end? I wish I could get away with tacking on a letter at the end of a word. "My cell phone isn't really that smallk." "My pants are too tighth." "The window shades are pulled downt." And that's the best stuff I could come up with. I realize it's been a few days since I last posted, but there's really nothing about which I feel strongly enough to write. In fact, the elections took place yesterday and I felt the opposite of strongly about them. If someone were to ask me how I felt about the elections, I would say "weakly." Much like when W.C. Fields replied to the question, "how do you like children?" with the response, "fried!" By "much like," I mean entirely different, except for the fact that both our responses didn't answer the questions at all. But I digress. "From what?" you ask? Who can really say.

I watched the update to yesterday, which was the third annual installment of Strong Bad's commentary on fan holloween costumes. These are the highlights from those three episodes:
-A man in a Strong Bad costume is punching a man in a poorly constructed Homestar costume. Strong Bad comments: "Here I am beating up some kind of...mashed potato man."
-A man wearing a very large Homestar costume is seen standing on the front lawn. Strong Bad: " Oh man, if I saw that thing runnin' around my back yard, I'd get out the compound bow."
From the second season:
-small pictures of Marzipan, coach Z, Homsar, and the KoT are painted onto what appear to be squashes. Strong Bad: "Oh, and next on the worthless arts and crafts shopping channel, the least popular Homestar Runner characters gourd collection. Nothing completes an old lady vestibule quite like them."
And from this season:
-Well, I just like the one where Strong Bad asks Homestar if he ate Luigi.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share some of that brilliance with you. Oh, if I ever say "I wike candies," it's from there too. I think I once responded to an e-vite like that.

I need to go purchase a compact disc. Chevra 3 came out today. I hear it's not as good as the first two. But everyone who says these things likes only the first songs from the albums, which aren't always that good in the first place. I mean, "Yehei" is a good song, but it's certainly not the best one of the album. It's probably more like fourth or fifth best. And "Lecha" is also a good song, but once again, not close to the best on the CD. I wish I had brought my headphones to work today so I could listen to the excerpts they have on I'm going to buy the album anyway, I just hate that some people have heard it and I have not. Like I know I'm going to miss Lost tonight, and it bothers me that some people will have seen it before I have. It's the same thing.

Alright, that's all I have for now. I'll try to be coherent next time. If anyone asks, I can just feign inebriation. Happy St. Demetrius's Day.