Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Anonymous Responders
Now I know there aren't many of you out there who read my blog, but for those of you who do, know this: this is MY blog, not mine and everyone else's. If anyone has any comments or questions or concerns about anything I write, at least have the common decency to sign your name on your comments so that I know to whom I may direct my responses and/or farts. One of you out there is the Hermione Granger of blog commentators, i.e. an insufferable know-it-all. If you want to comment but you don't want to write your name, at least make your comments funny so that you add some value. Otherwise, get your own blog. I hear there's this thing called the internet, which has an amount of memory negligibly smaller than infinite, so there should be PLENTY of space for you to make fun of me. Hopefully this is the angriest I'll ever get on here; this is supposed to be a calming exercise; my therapist says so.