Wow, it's been over a year. Who has time for this sort of thing anymore?
Anyway, this is just a quickie regarding some things about which I've been thinking recently. Item numbo one is back to the driving thing. It just comes down to a few simple items; my four rules of driving:
1. Just drive
Don't rubberneck, don't slow down to switch lanes, and don't be in an exit only lane when you don't want to exit and then hold everybody up trying to switch. It's so simple. Unless you're going to hit the car in front of you, keep moving.
2. Signal
If you're turning or switching lanes, you need to use your signal. Period.
3. Be safe
If you think something might be dangerous, it probably is. Don't do it.
4. Don't be an @$$hole
If what you're doing will cause me to hit the brakes you're being one. Stop it!
In conclusion, if you're a taxi-driver driving in the left lane, and you want to pick up a customer on the right side of a busy 2nd Avenue, just don't do it, because you'll probably be breaking all four rules.
Item numbo two has to do with not wasting people's time. If you're like me, with a full time job and a full time family, you don't exactly have much time to suffer other people wasting it. I'll give two examples:
1. I'm dealing with my wireless service provider, and they have continued to screw up my order for almost two weeks. Each person I speak to apologizes for the inconvenience, thanks me for being a customer, and compliments me on my fine phone selection skills. "Which phone did you want, sir, the Galaxy S5? Wow, that's a really nice phone!" "I know it's a really nice phone; I was the one who picked it." Look, you guys continue to screw up my order; don't apologize or give me other pleasantries. Just fix it!
2. I'm walking on the street today running an errand, obviously in a hurry to get back to work, and someone stops me on the street (Greenpeace?):
Her: "Sir, would you mind taking a quick survey?"
Me: "No, sorry."
Her: "Just two seconds, sir."
Me: "Fine, go ahead."
Her: "How are you today, sir?"
And I'm gone. You've just told me the survey will take two seconds, and yet you spent a second and a half asking me how I am. Unless that's the only question in the survey it appears that you're gonna run out of time.
Everyone get the gist here?