Let's get all FJM-y for a minute. Here is an actual exchange on BBTN regarding the Carlos Beltran trade:
Karl Ravech: You like it? You love it? Or you hate it?
Mark Mulder: I think I like it. I mean it's... it's r-... it's really good; don't get me wrong, but I like it only because of how many outfielders they have, and now that they'll be rotating guys in and out, how does that change those other guys' roles?
Karl Ravech (awesomely, stupefied): Who cares?
Mark Mulder (caught completely off-guard): ... I'm... just sayin'.
John Kruk (also caught off guard): ...wow...
Karl Ravech (more awesomely): I mean... really? So you're gonna... Beltran vs. Nate Schierholz or Cody Ross or Aaron Rowand? Do you worry about the... the relationship that you have with the other players? The clubhouse?
John Kruk (coming to the defense of Mark): That could happen -
Karl Ravech (interrupting, absolutely dumbfounded): Really?
John Kruk: That could really happen...
And then Kruk gives some bizarre commentary on the clubhouse and team chemistry.
The highest of high comedy. Great stuff.