I'm listening to the Michael Kay show, and over the past week or two, I've heard a couple of promotional radio commercials for the Kay show during some of the earlier programs (Mike and Mike, Brandon Tierney, Colin Cowherd, etc.). These commercials usually have one or another of the hosts (Michael, Don La Greca, Bonnie Bernstein, etc.) and occasionally a caller saying something interesting, as if to say "our show has intelligent people saying compelling things! Listen to us!" One of the commercials featured a caller named David from Jerusalem. I can't remember what he said that they put on the commercial, but I believe the purpose of using that call in the promo was to demonstrate that their show is so popular that they even have people calling from Israel. Cool.
Anyway, sure enough, David from Jerusalem just called in again today to talk about football and the frustration of cheering for losing teams, and after the sports talk, Michael and Don were chatting with David and asking him about Israel. They asked him what time it was, and David said "it's about 20 minutes to 11 here. We're seven hours ahead." Then they asked him if he ever lived in the states, and David responded "yeah, I lived there for 35 years; I moved here a year and a half ago." They then asked him how it is over there and why he moved, and David said "I moved mostly for religious reasons. It was difficult because I moved without a job and actually spent my first year here unemployed. But I've started working, and every day here is truly a blessing. I think it was the right thing to do for me, my family, and hopefully, ultimately, my people."
I really think it was a huge kiddush Hashem that David spoke so intelligently and eloquently on the radio. There are so many callers who can't speak properly and don't use correct grammar, az for David to represent Israel and Jews the way he did was truly fantastic and inspirational.