Sunday, May 06, 2007
More Things that Shouldn't Be Allowed
'Member my second or third post? About things that shouldn't be allowed, like closing the lower level of the George Washington Bridge, and closing two lanes on the upper level at the same time? And then closing 178th Street between Broadway and Fort Washington Avenue? Yeah, well, what happened today was a thousand times more ridiculous. I'm driving home to the East Side from Washington Heights, which I only did because the guys on the softball team needed a ride back, otherwise I would have just driven straight to the East Side from Central Park. Anyway, at about 142nd Street on the Harlem River Drive, traffic just stops. Az I check the radio, and I hear that there's some foolish bicycle marathon, which is closing the Drive from the Triboro Bridge down to 59th Street. Okay, I understand; it's May, the weather is pretty nice, have special things going on in the city. But don't close the Drive at the same time that 5th Avenue is closed for the Salute to Israel Parade. Seriously, here's how I went home. I got off the Drive at 142nd Street and 5th Avenue, made a right onto 142nd Street, made a right onto Chisum Street, and then a left onto 143rd. Then I made a left onto Malcolm X Boulevard, and then a right onto 141st Street. Then I made a left onto Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard and took that south until 110th Street. Now everyone's trying to get to the East Side, az I figured I'd be smart and go down Columbus Avenue, az I made a right onto 110th and then a left onto Columbus, which I took down to 81st Street to cross the park. Az I get down to Central Park West, and now the transverse is closed because of the parade, az I make a left to go up to 86th Street. I figure since the parade ends at around 80th Street, 86th should be safe. Famous last words, right? 86th Street was closed too, az I yelled at the police officer, and made my way up to 96th Street. Once I got through the park I was pretty safe, and at this point I was happy just to make it home on the gas I had. That gas should have gotten me to Jersey, but it just barely got me home. Ah well. Yay, Israel! Down with bikers!