So there are times when I'm talking to someone on AIM, and they'll make some kind of ridiculous assertion, and since I'm agreeable I'll say something like "suit yourself," or "have it your way," or "whatever you say." I say these things for a number of reasons. Firstly, I might use it when I feel like I don't have the intellectual ammunition to argue the assertion properly, and that's my way of disagreeing in a way in which I won't need to embarrass myself with poorly constructed defenses. Secondly, it tends to really irritate some people, especially those who like to argue.
Additionally I like to say things like "indeed," which is really a party-pooper type word. It's a good way of ending a conversation because I've added absolutely nothing to what was previously said. I'll often use this word when I don't want to talk to you anymore. But not all the time. Usually it's the people with whom I don't want to speak that think I'm using it for real and not that I want to get rid of them. They're just dead wrong and will get their comeuppance.