So, a friend told me today that I'm too normal to have a blog. Just shows to go you how normal my friends are.
So, last night, I caught a few minutes of a show on the History Channel called "Exodus: Decoded," in which the archaeologists and historians attempt to scientifically explain the events that took place in Egypt during the time of the exodus. Fascinating show. They even managed to explain the death of the firstborn plague by claiming that an abundance of Carbon Dioxide gas, which had been building up in the Nile (which also turned it red), was released into the air, and since CO2 is heavier than air, it stayed close to the ground, which is where the first born sons usually slept. The younger children, who did not have a place of honor in the family often slept on roofs, so they were spared. All this G-d-type stuff being explained by science got my thinking, not for the first time, about belief in Him. You ever get the feeling in certain situations that G-d is trying to pull a fast one on you? Ever gone through an event, and pointed your finger towards the sky and thought, "nice one, Big Guy." Well, I have. Yes, really. It can be rewarding to try to find G-d in everything that happens and everything you do.